Saturday, September 10, 2011

Instructional Design Blogs Critique

1. - Thinking Great Thoughts - I enjoyed this blog because the writer uses a variety of outside resources to make their point.  I think the writer has a great view on technology.  One of the lines I really enjoyed was right at the beginning of the most recent post: "We should be viewing technology as a tool and not as a comprehensive answer to improving learning and retention."  I think that this writer and I share the same view of technology because it should be just enhancing the teaching skills that we already have.  It's not a solution for the problem.  We cannot just stick students in front of a computer and say, "Learn."  It has to be supplemental to what we are already doing that is great in education!  I think that this will become an ongoing resource for me simply because this writer responds to articles from national newspapers (like the New York Times) and is always staying on top of their research in the instructional design industry.

2. - Emerging Media, Digital Media Objects - This blog was very insightful.  The post that really caught my eye was "Blooms Taxonomy and the iPad."  The writer provided a great image where they made a Blooms chart and used apps from the iPad to show the different levels.  I think this is a great way of teaching not only educators, but students that what they are doing on their iPads can actually be considered educational in a sense.  I think I'll be using this blog a considerable amount because they like to show images to explain their concepts.  Another example of this is the "Video Games and Learning" post.  I really enjoyed how this blog has links to other resources and is more focused on using technology in the classroom.

3. - PrestigeTraining's Blog - The writer of this blog is also a student. I think that their views are very unique because they are always seeing things from different angles due to a different university.  Also, they are also in the industry working as an instructional designer which will help me learn about what my future may hold.  They're learning Lean Six Sigma and have two project managers, so I'm sure this blog will serve as much enjoyment, as well as educate me, later down the line.  Also, I enjoy how they explain the topics that we are learning in class.

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